Author: Jared Corry

I never met a Opossum I didn't like

Turkey time 2022

It’s been two dang years since my last blog entry, Hot damn! Since then, I have been quite distracted with life. For me, the covid horseshit pandemic wasn’t the biggest drag for my lifestyle; instead it was meeting a woman and “falling in love” and getting pregnant, and then having a baby at the end […]

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August Newsletter 2020

Greetings and Salutations!  It’s time for the Omnivore Bladeworks newsletter blog.I have fallen behind on newsletters and videos for a variety of reasons.  Too many irons in the fire being the first reason, and laziness being the last. Since my last mass email, Google has changed somehow so it is no longer possible to address […]

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May 29, 2020 Jeepers time moves along so quick and things stay undone that should have been done a year ago or more!!! I’m months behind on newsletters, and months behind (years) on tomahawk production. I was doing pretty good there, figuring out the CNC mill and making progress with debugging the programs and even […]

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Thanksgiving-New Years=discombobulation

I missed my 25th deadline this month, and totally spaced last month somehow. I’ve shot many, many videos in the mean time, as I want to keep everyone watching appraised of the progress around the shop, but for some reason, I didn’t edit or post any of them. The learning curve and ability to keep […]

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Hindsight doesn’t fix the present or necessarily help with the future

I’m a couple of days early with this entry, simply because I am seizing the same moment that I thought about doing this task. Technology is can be a great thing, but it almost always stacks up on top of itself, so without a footing, foundation and strong floor joists spaced properly, the rest of […]

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Dang! Summer is almost over! WTF?

August 25th came up all the sudden. Summer time in the Piedmont of North Carolina is a strange and unpredictable season. Usually it’s just hot and nasty, but some days will trick you into thinking it’s a paradise. Today happens to be a nice day, and yet I find myself inside this morning; planning and […]

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Everybody’s working for the weekend, but I’m working ON the weekend.

May 25th, 2019 This month, I’m actually on point with the blog post, and hopefully with another video update. It’s amazing how much more productive and energetic I get when the sun stays out longer during a 24 hour period. This week we’re supposed to have something of a heat wave, so working hours will […]

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Spring 2019 progress

3/28/19 This year started out nice. Then I went to Las Vegas for the Shot show, picked up a terrible sickness and basically set myself back an entire month. I just poked around feeling miserable, and then about a week after I was feeling pretty good, I picked up another cold that lasted another few […]

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Christmas 2018

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Today was Jesus’ birthday as well as my sister’s and cousin’s. We had a nice small family visit last night and today, which was largely dominated by my 3 year old niece and her excitement for the first Christmas that she is old enough to really understand what’s going […]

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Holiday Delays 2018

I reckon this entire year has been a slow one in terms of progress with work.  Probably because time goes by faster as you get older, and projects that should take a day, end up taking a week or more. This blog post should have happened on the 25th, along with a video to show […]

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